Miso Marinated Black Cod with Wasabi Mashed Potatoes

This weekend, I had the awesome opportunity to visit & cook with some great friends from back in my dental school days! The sweet/salty preparation of this delicate, silky, and buttery fish pairs well with the creamy mashed potatoes, and it has a hint of wasabi horseradish spice to help with flavor contrast. I’m not a huge wasabi eater, but you really gotta give this mash a shot before you knock it! Haha. You can also try this recipe on Chilean sea bass and other flaky white fish that are rich in omega-3 fats (it’s even nice on salmon!).


Recipe for Miso Black Cod (Butterfish/Sablefish):

  1. Lightly heat up ½ cup light miso paste, 1/3 cup sugar, 3 tbsp sake, and 3 tbsp mirin in a pot.

  2. Stir until combined and cool in refrigerator.

  3. Marinade the fish (fileted, skin off, and with the section of pinbones cut out entirely from the black cod) for 3-4 hours or overnight.

  4. Broil for ~9-12 minutes (Keep an eye on it! Cooking times vary significantly due to various oven broil settings, and this fish cooks fast!). If you did not marinate overnight, feel free to glaze additional marinade over the top towards the end of cooking. Fish should be tender and flaky.

Recipe for Wasabi Mashed Potatoes:

  1. In a lightly salted pot of water, boil 3 large Russet potatoes (peeled and cut into quarters).

  2. Simmer on medium high heat for 20-25 minutes until tender with a fork. Drain, and return to stove.

  3. Mash the potatoes with a potato masher or ricer. Add in ½ cup milk and ¼ cup butter and stir to distribute. Add in 1 tsp wasabi paste at a time and stir (keep adding up to 3 tsp depending on your taste preference). Add salt and pepper to taste.

  4. [Optional: To add color, I blended 3 green onions, 1 bunch parsley, and a splash of milk, and folded the pureed mixture into the cooked mashed potatoes to add a nice vibrant green color]